Sunday, November 11, 2007

If you are unhappy, change your life

Find your passion, and follow it.

How many of us are truly happy with our jobs, careers, or businesses? Some people knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up, while others do what they have to do to live. The cost of living keeps us tight to our responsibilities and our duties. We forget our dreams and our desires. We do what we must to put food on the table, clothes on the bodies, and pay our many bills.

If you have been miserable with your current situation for a long time, and the nagging voice in your head keeps on tugging at you, then you should consider these proposals below.

Find your talent

What are you naturally good at? What do you love to do in your free time? What is the one thing that you are excited about doing? Think about what you enjoyed before marriage or children. Follow that special gift. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, you will be discouraged when you don't see success right away.

Visualize your dream

Can you see your dream? Can you visualize that victory? If you want to be a jewelry maker, imagine yourself owning not only one store, but a many stores in different part of the cities. If you dream big, you're more likely to come up with a plan that excites you. Can you see yourself happy doing what you love?

Write down your plan of action

Putting down on paper what you need to get done, ways of making your dream come true, when the deadline is, and how much money your project will cost. If you can get them out of your head, you can start dealing with them. Listing your concerns and obstacles, help you arrange them in their priorities.

Play pretend

If you watch your child playing pretend to be a certain person, do the same. Take a few moments every day to act out your new role, whether it is a swimming class instructor or buying new beads for your shop. When you are pretending to be the person you want, you are sending your subconscious an actual picture of yourself.

Just do it

Focus your time and effort on putting your plan into action and make it happen. Don't think how hard it is going to be, because you're not going to want to do it. Replace difficult tasks with ones that are relaxing and fun. Think of the obstacles before, how did you get through those hard times?

Stay with the right crowd

Get to know the people in the business that you are interesting in, and ask how they got started. You can learn a lot from their perspectives, and something might spark your interest. Talk about your plans only with family and friends who are offering encouragement and believe in your ability to make over your life.

After the first few steps, you will be closer to your happy self. Make some sacrifices at the beginning such as cutting down on spending or giving up on Star Buck coffee every day, or whatever you need to do, just make your dream a reality.

If you are unhappy with your job, chances are it was not right for you. Find a channel that makes you happy and go forward. Seek out your deepest desire, something that makes you feel like you can't wait to get to, and something that really brings out the creativities in you. Ask yourself “If it is not now, then when?”

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