Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ivan Drago PWNED The Magic Ponytail

If you ladies are wondering what the heck I am talking about... here's a refresher .
Ivan Drago was the russian rhoid rage-ster in Rocky 4 played by Dolph Lundgren
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Sensitive Ponytail is Steven Seagal who plays .. well Steven Seagal in all of his movies.
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Here's a little excerpt from Dolph's Official website message board

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April 2006

Steven Seagal

Dear Dolph,
I see you got yourself your own little website. Interesting. Seems like
you have much time on your hands nowadays after I beat you in the 1994
Sexy Olympics. Maybe your fitness career will be successful, doubt it. Not
as successful as my amazing singing career, its doing wonders in Swahilia.
You were amazing in Rocky, its too bad they didnt choose me to fight you,
that would have been even more amazing! Please do ntake offense if I am
better than you. I will see you around, maybe in the dojo or maybe at a
bar. Gotta love those bar fights, see you dolph.
Good luck with your weight-loss program, Steven! Doubt it'll work ....

That IMHO is called absolute pwnage

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