Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miracle Berry

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ahaa! this is just what I need.Say hello to magic berry whatsitsname Synsepalum dulcificum

This berry - and its rogue glycoprotein named, seriously, miraculin - temporarily robs you of your ability to taste sour and bitter flavors. It became a fixture in West Africa, where locals would use it to down otherwise unpalatable meals.

It’s become a bit of a hit in Japan. And yet, the miracle berry is still not readily available in the United States - classified as a food additive by the FDA in 1974, it has not yet been approved for wide distribution. Most first-timers will be forced to track down an on-line distributor - or, alternatively, befriending a friendly circle of ‘foodies’ who like to throw sweet, sweet parties.

They have underground parties with this thing involving a slew of nasty tasting unappetizing snacks, which taste like a bit of heaven after having this berry.

I now know what to eat before I go for dinner over to my aunts ;)

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