Friday, November 30, 2007

Vampire Name Generator

Time is propelling me towards the end, towards death and decay.Time is my enemy, hence I am determined to waste it.In my quest I come across such links

Vampire name generator.

Just for kicks, here are my results

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Moll Wolf
Known in some parts of the world as:
Wraith of Delhi <<<>
The Great Archives Record:
In India this name strikes fear into the hearts of mortals.

I won't argue with that at all!

How to make an omelette, the right way

My man taught me one fine morning what no one else could in 26 odd years...Before you get any ideas, welcome to the SSOPOM (Secret Society of Perfect Omelette Makers)

If your omelettes don't turn out perfect to the point of making you cry after trying this method, you can have your money back, no questions asked.

Lets get started.. bachelors,spinsters take note, this'll save you a lonely trip to Subway/McDonalds/some dirty shack you buy snacks from.

You will need

  • 2-4 eggs.Thats 2-4 not 24 unless you are having a cholesterol party
  • Frying pan or griddle(tava in hindi)
  • Milk (only about a tablespoonful, milk makes omelettes fluffier)
  • oil/butter (A MUST even if you are cooking in a nonstick pan)
  • Something to beat your eggs with (mixer, fork, wire whisk, canes, whips, paddle .. I am kidding about the last three)
  • Flipper or spatula (a peculiarly flat spoon, for the less informed)
  • Salt and pepper (and other herbs and spices.. I personally like oregano)
  • Omelette fillings.. yeah baby get creative here!
    • Shredded Cheese (alternatively you can melt in a full cheese slice while the omlette is half cooked, this is what the boyfriend does :)
    • Capsicum
    • Onions
    • mushrooms
    • diced tomatoes
    • ham
    • cocktail sausages or regular sausages sliced/pepperoni
    • shredded chicken <<< All meats MUST be cooked before they go in the omelette.
    • black olives
    • Think pizza toppings, what goes on pizza, works alright on omelettes as well
  1. Gather and prepare your omelette filling ingredients. Eggs cook quickly, so it is best to select and cut up all of your ingredients prior to cooking. Some common omelette additions include onions, ham, bell peppers, spinach, sausage, olives, diced tomatoes and mushrooms. Use any or all of the ingredients, in combinations of your choice.
  2. Break the eggs.(^_^)
  3. Whisk the eggs, we simply use a fork, no need to get the high tech artillery out. For a single-serve omelette, you can use between two and four eggs, ( I use four.. yes I am gluttonous) depending on how hungry you are, I am usually very hungry all the time. At this stage you can add salt, black pepper, and other herbs and spices to the eggs
  4. Stir up some of your other ingredients into the whisked eggs or you can sprinkle the vegetables on the semi cooked omelette later on.whatever is your style, I won't cramp it.
  5. Heat a wide non-stick pan on high flame, check if it is hot enough by splashing it with a little drop of water, if it evaporates quickly with *that* sound, the pan is hot enough, turn the heat on LOW now <------ Very Important.melt a tiny cube of butter on the pan, slide it around so it coats the surface evenly.Too much butter or oil is going to make your omelette break, so will too many vegetables. now gently pour the whisked eggs out on the pan.Grab the pan handle, tilt it around so the eggs spread evenly.. usually eggs spread out just fine on their own
  6. While the eggs are firm on the bottom, but still slightly runny on top, sprinkle shredded cheese over eggs. Or simply lay a sheet of sandwich cheese on the omelette, its melts most delightfully.If you haven't added the vegetables and other ingredients to the whisked eggs, sprinkled them on the half cooked omelette You will know that the omelette is done when there is no liquid left in the eggs.
  7. Pay special attention that the eggs are not sticking to the bottom of the pan, and use your flipper or spatula around the edges of the omelette to make sure that it is not sticking. If you've added a lot of vegetables and cheese, its is usually wise to fold the omelette in half to make a semicircle, its easier to flip and less likely to break.If you are an expert like me (hehe) you can leave the omelette as it is and still be miraculously able to turn it over without breaking it.please please be patient with the spatula, don't try to flip over the omelette too shouldn't be scared about the omelette burning on the bottom if you are cooking it right, i.e on a LOW flame.
  8. Roll your omelette onto your plate, or use the spatula and lift it onto your plate
Ta-da!.. Gorge gorgeous!

P.S serving the omelette with some fruit like pineapple slices/orange slices is an interesting touch.I am not extremely fond of making a sandwich out of an omelette.A well cooked omlette is worth being relished on its own.

Tip: nothing ruins an omelette than excessive salt.Use salt sparingly... I use one pinch salt per egg rule.Somehow eggs don't require too much salt.If the omelette has too little salt in it, you can always perform the 'yay low sodium' celebratory dance and add condiments like oregano or ketchup later.But there's no way in hell to salvage an oversalted omelette.You've been warned

Authored by Birinder Kaur
----- inputs by Jitesh Mohindra :D

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How to hardboil an egg

So how many of you are so bad at cooking that you can't even boil an egg right?
Boiling an egg is considered the simplest of things in culinary expertise hence the expression
"I am so bad at cooking , i can't even boil an egg"

I say you can.There's a right way to do everything, and its well worth learning.This method will get the hard boiled eggs just right everytime, guaranteed!

  1. Place eggs in a saucepan or any other utensil .. but it should not be too shallow, with enough cold water to cover the egg completely by 1 inch. Bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Once the water is brought to a rolling boil, reduce heat to a lower medium boil and cook an additional 10 minutes for a “hard boiled” egg. Rolling boil means you should see large bubbles rising in the water.For a “soft boiled” egg reduce the time by 5 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and immediately place eggs under ice cold water or in a bowl of iced water to chill promptly to help yolks stay bright yellow. Chill for a few minutes in the cold water until the egg is completely cooled. This is an extremely important step which prevents the greenish-gray layer from forming on the surface of the yolk over time. If the egg is not chilled immediately after cooking an unsightly dark greenish ring will eventually appear on the outside of the yolk.I don't mind this greenish layer, but if you are a parent , you'll know what unlikely things kids can make a fuss about.When I was 3 years old I had smeared 4 egg yolks on the floor, much to my mum's displeasure. I had decided that they had gone bad due to the greenish layer on them!
  3. To peel, crack the shell around the entire egg and remove.My brother and I have differing methods on this one, he likes to tap the egg gently on the plate and then peels it from the crack, I simply smack the egg with a fork or a spoon.But it turns out there's a method to this and my little brother has been doing it right all along :D
To quote Montell Jordan , 'This is How We Do It'

  1. Prepare a hard boiled egg and let it cool. Soaking in ice water is a good way to speed up this process.
  2. Crack the shell at each end by firmly tapping the egg onto a hard surface such as a counter. Do one end, and then the other. There is an air bubble in the wide end of the egg; you want to crush this.

  3. Place the side of the egg on a counter and roll forward for one revolution with your palm firmly down on the top of the egg.

  4. Submerge the egg in a bowl of warm water and slip the entire shell off in less than a second.

edit:Next stop for me? Learning to do this awesomecoolicious thing.Its called (*drumroll*) 'blowing the shell right off the hard boiled egg'.This gent in particular appears to have mastered the technique with a showman flair thrown in for good measure.

Peeling Eggs - video powered by Metacafe

Organize your bathroom in 3 steps

I spent the first 23(or so) years of my life dashing in and out of the bathroom in about 7 minutes flat, assuming it'll clean itself up after me.It didn't and I wasn't too happy about it.If you are like me, you probably don't feel very happy about your bathroom not being a self cleaning module either.Hopefully somewhere else in the world/future such technology is underway.Till it reaches within limits of our affordability, here's a how-to gleaned from my 26 years of experience with life and bathrooms in general

Toss List:

    • Bottles with too little to save - With shampoo bottles, down to their last breath, I usually put some water in there, quickly swirl it around and use it, and the bottle goes to trash leaving us both (me and the shampoo bottle) happy.The bottle feels happy about being used up completely and my middle class sensibilities feel content about not even an ml of shampoo being wasted
    • Samples for things you do not use : I used to let those tiny bottles of cheap shampoo stolen from hotels sit around for years even though it was and still is below my standards to use hotely stuff.
    • Gifts with makeup purchased in colors you do not wear : My aunts don't get it, I don't want silver lipstick which makes me look like I have been bled to death.
    • Expired medications: No brainer, actually don't store your meds in the bathroom in the first place, the humidity kills them
    • mildewed crap, like fixtures, or some old toothbrush which is sitting ignored in a corner of the bathroom
    • Old and worn toothbrushes ... You can use old toothbrushes to clean out your combs, but please don't let them sit around on the counter, they look most revolting

  1. Contain and label

    • Hang an organizer on the back of the door and fill with bottles, curling iron etc etc.The organizers could be mini plastic racks or those cute fabric things with multiple pouches on them
    • Use a cutlery tray in the drawer to organize your makeup.My mother is a doctor and I am guilty of stealing metal and plastic trays from her office on more than one occassion.For some reason doctors like to have a lot of them around, even if they are not using them.
    • Make a few first aid kits by category - minor scrape, sprain, major cut, etc. This helps you avoid having to weed through a large box of stuff for a BandAid. I once had a nasty accident with the tungsten bulb on my bathroom mirror exploding as I'd accidentally splashed some water on it.. so yes you do need a First Aid kit in your bathroom
    • Separate the medications by type (allergy, cold and flu, headache, etc.) and store them in small containers
    • Keep a basket just for the samples you receive so you can put out for guests to use.I cannot make use of this tip since in my house the guests themselves end up bringing those things taken from hotels. :)
    • Place barrettes on a decorative strand of ribbon.Men you won't know what barrettes are, and in all probability don't use them, skip this step
    • Place scrunchies on a paper towel roll.I don't need this tip since I don't have hair long enough to put scrunchies in them.Ladies, its also a good idea to put your scrunchies on a bangle rack
    • Designate what shelf will be for what in the medicine cabinet. Use under the shelf organizers for items like the toothpaste and razors

  2. Maintain the space:

    • If you don’t use an item in a year, let it go
    • Store only what you use in the bathroom - keep the excess in an overflow space. This goes for items like barrettes, too. If you have too many, place some in a zip lock bag and tuck them away for future use so you can shop at home when you need more
    • Tidy up daily - a few minutes a day means no marathon cleaning sessions weekly.I learnt this the hard way
    • Keep touch up cleaning supplies handy, like wipes for the sink
    • Make a new family rule to keep the bathroom clean. For example, “In our family, if we finish it, we replace it." I partly credit my brother for introducing this rule!

How to fold a shirt

I pretty much grew on my own.My mum was busy working, dad was busy being absent and grandparents too busy whining to my mother what bad undisciplined and messy children we(my brother and I) were.
While this is what they should've done instead, teach us how to be neat! (To be honest they didn't know how themselves) ;)
So kids, bachelors and bachelorettes, I present to you impeccability.. the method to the madness of folding a shirt

  1. Button the top button and the third button.(I sometimes button the first and the last button)
  2. Lay the shirt face-down on the folding surface.(yes a flat surface is a must if you want it perfect) You should be looking at the back of your shirt.
  3. Smooth out any puckers or wrinkles, so the shirt is flat front and back.
  4. The first fold is the right side. Fold about one-third of the body toward the center of the shirt. The fold line starts at the center of the shoulder and ends at the tail. You should see the back of your shirt with about one-third of the front folded to the back.
  5. Neatly fold the sleeve forward, creating an angled fold at the shoulder. The sleeve should line up with the edge of the first body fold.
  6. Fold the left side in the same manner.
  7. Make a fold of several inches of the shirt tail.
  8. Fold up the bottom half of the partially folded shirt. The tail should be just behind the collar of the shirt now.
  9. Turn the entire shirt over. You should have a neatly folded shirt as you typically see at a clothing store.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Actual things people put on their resume ...

1. I am very detail-oreinted.

2. My intensity and focus are at inordinately high levels, and my ability to complete projects on time is unspeakable.

3. Thank you for your consideration. Hope to hear from you shorty!

4. Enclosed is a ruff draft of my resume.

5. It’s best for employers that I not work with people.

6. Here are my qualifications for you to overlook.

7. I am a quick leaner, dependable, and motivated.

8. If this resume doesn’t blow your hat off, then please return it in the enclosed envelope.

9. My fortune cookie said, “Your next interview will result in a job.” And I like your company in particular.

10. I saw your ad on the information highway, and I came to a screeching halt.

11. Insufficient writing skills, thought processes have slowed down some. If I am not one of the best, I will look for another opportunity.

12. Please disregard the attached resume-it is terribly out of date.

13. Seek challenges that test my mind and body, since the two are usually inseparable.

14. Graduated in the top 66% of my class.

15. Reason for leaving last job: The owner gave new meaning to the word paranoia. I prefer to elaborate privately.

16. Previous experience: Self-employed-a fiasco.

17. Exposure to German for two years, but many words are inappropriate for business.

18. Experience: Watered, groomed, and fed the family dog for years.

19. I am a rabid typist.

20. I have a bachelorette degree in computers.

21. Excellent memory; strong math aptitude; excellent memory; effective management skills; and very good at math.

22. Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer.

23. I worked as a Corporate Lesion.

24. Reason for leaving last job: Pushed aside so the vice president’s girlfriend could steal my job.

25. Married, eight children. Prefer frequent travel.

26. Objective: To have my skills and ethics challenged on a daily basis.

27. Special skills: Thyping.

28. My ruthlessness terrorized the competition and can sometimes offend.

29. I can play well with others.

30. Personal Goal: To hand-build a classic cottage from the ground up using my father-in-law.

31. Objective: I want a base salary of $50-$60,000 dollars, not including bonus. And some decent benefits. Like a retirement plan, health insurance, personal or sick days.

32. Experience: Provided correct answers to customers’ questions.

33. Education: Graduated from predatory school with honors.

34. Never been fired, although it could happen anytime now.

35. I have happily been a “kept man” for the past 10 years.

36. Have extensive experience in turkey manufactures as well as new product development and implementation.

37. I am accustomed to speaking in front of all kinds of audiences. I make points as well as I can.

38. Personal: Five children. Dog: Jasper. Cat: Morris. Gerbil: Binky.

39. While in military, was instrumental in creation of a treat detection system.

40. My compensation package at my last job included a base salary of $64,500 with excellent benefits including flextime. I am looking for a position in which I can work a more flexible schedule.

41. Hire me and you won’t regret it - I am funny, cute, smart and creative… really.

42. Referees available upon request.

43. Previous rank: Senior instigator.

44. I have recently sold my home and I now live in a large RV so I will be able to relocate quickly.

45. Reason for leaving: They stopped paying me.

46. Cover letter: Desire the chance to showcase my delightful personality, intelligence and superior judgment, which are so hard to find these days.

47. Personal achievements: Successfully played “Chop Sticks” on a toy piano with my big toes.

48. Objective: To obtain a position where I can make a difference, infecting others with my professionalism, enthusiasm and dedication.

49. Strengths: Impersonal skills.

50. Special interests: I like any projects that are fun.

51. Please explain any breaks in your employment career: 15 minute coffee break while working at a home improvement store.

52. Vocational plans: Sea World.

I actually liked number 9.. shoot me! :D Number 51 and 52 cracked me up for good reason

Underground Library

feast your eyes on the saxon state library in dresden, germany.

it’s a frikkin’ beautiful library to begin with but the most interesting part for me is that the glass ceiling is actually at ground level - the whole building has been designed to sit below ground apart from 2 sections which protrude either side of the submerged room. it’s by no means the 1st of it’s kind but it’s certainly one of the best examples.

there are advantages to constructions of this kind, namely a quieter atmosphere, less need for temperature control and the ability to use limited space efficiently, e.g. sitting on top of the underground section is a public square, something which obviously wouldn’t have been possible using the same amount of ground area in a traditional design.

with architects constantly battling to design the tallest skyscrapers on earth it’s nice to see a building that’s been so cleverly designed as to use the earth to intelligently hide it.

sources: 1, 2

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Man who grew roots!

Row over 'tree man' virus samples

By Felix Lowe and agencies
Last Updated: 2:55am GMT 27/11/2007

An Indonesian fisherman who developed tree-like growths on his hands and feet is at the centre of an international medical spat after his country's health minister criticised doctors trying to treat him.

  • How about that: Weird and wacky stories from around the world
  • Telegraph TV: Dede talks about his extraordinary affliction
  • Telegraph TV: Dr Anthony Gaspari examines Dede's lesions
  • Indonesia's health minister, Siti Fadilah Supari, lambasted the US doctor currently treating the 35-year-old man, who has the rare affliction caused by the Human Papilloma Virus.

    Indonesia's health minister Siti Fadilah Supari (second right) inspects Dede's tree-like growths
    Indonesia's health minister Siti Fadilah Supari (second right) inspects Dede's tree-like growths

    Mrs Supari is angry that Dr Anthony Gaspari has taken blood and tissue samples out of the country to the United States in a bid to diagnose the illness. She claims such samples could be used in the future to make vaccines that the poor could not afford.

    Developing nations such as Indonesia risk exploitation unless they maintain control over their virus strains, Mrs Supari said.

    But her comments have now offended Dr Gaspari, an American dermatologist at the University of Maryland, who maintains that, while he took the samples without permission, his sole motivation was getting treatment for the man.

    Known simply as Dede, the man, who lives in a village south of the capital Jakarta, has massive root-like warts growing from his arms and legs which have gone untreated for years.

    "We did take samples, and the reason we did was to render a diagnosis. We did it for humanitarian reasons, to help the patient," Dr Gaspari said, stressing his willingness to put in writing that the samples were not for commercial use.

    Mrs Supari, who has famously refused to share bird flu samples with international scientists, made her comments on Sunday after returning from a World Health Organisation (WHO) conference in Geneva.

    "We are offended because the samples were taken from Dede without our permission," she told reporters at the hospital where the man was being treated. "If they are taken abroad, they could become lucrative commodities."

    The intergovernmental conference was aimed at rebuilding a global system for sharing viruses. Indonesia is the nation the worst hit by bird flu, with a total of 91 human deaths recorded.

    Mrs Supari has, however, steadfastly refused to share samples of the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease until she receives assurances they will not be used to make expensive pandemic vaccines.

    For its part, WHO wants to make sure the virus has not mutated to a form that spreads more easily between people.

    Monday, November 26, 2007

    thoughts on weightloss

    1. You will never lose weight because someone tells you to. Don’t even bother trying to motivate yourself to lose weight because so-and-so told you that you should. If you do, it won’t work. This may sound trite, but you have to want to do it for yourself. Then, and only then, you’ll succeed.
    2. Everyone has advice on weight loss. Mention you’re trying to lose weight and every single person will have their own 2 cents. Be patient – in most cases people are either looking to help you or help themselves through reinforcement.

    3. Calories, carbs, fat grams and other measures of food content are not as important as the quality and quantity of food that you eat. Each diet has some truth to it, but the secret to weight loss is simple: eat less, exercise more.

    4. Each measure of food content has some benefit, though, and each has some problems. Try not to eliminate anything completely, but a general tip is that your diet probably contains an excessive amount of carbohydrates. Look at that first.

    5. Get help. Research before you dive in. Do not start a diet before talking to a doctor or reading a book. You may be knowledgeable, but there can be weird interactions you’re not familiar with (for example, a low-carb diet gave me some really significant).

    6. If your dietary needs are expensive – for example, if you find that what you buy on a diet costs more than the junk food you were eating – ignore it! You cannot – I repeat, cannot – spend too much money on your health. All the money in the world is useless if you are dead.

    7. Soda has a lot of calories. Diet soda has a lot of sodium. Quitting both of them makes you shed a couple of pounds in days. Do it now. There is no reason for soda in your life as a regular drink.

    8. If you MUST drink soda, drink regular soda, not diet soda. One regular soda will at least satisfy you and fill you up for a while. Diet sodas just bloat you and fill you with sodium, not to mention aspartame.

    9. It is very difficult to cut high fructose corn syrup out of your diet, but you should. Bread should not normally need sweetener as the #2 ingredient, should it? Read labels.

    10. Once you quit eating junk food, some of it starts to taste pretty awful.

    11. My personal opinion is that even low-calorie sweeteners like Splenda and Nutrasweet are a bad idea for dieters. Eating something sweet fired off weird hunger impulses in my brain, so I found it was easiest to just avoid every single type of sweets other than chewing gum altogether.

    12. Chewing gum, however, serves a lot of purposes when dieting. It keeps your mouth busy, it satisfies cravings for sweets and if you’re a typical dieter it hides the nasty halitosis (bad breath) that dieting causes.

    13. Ricola is an excellent herbal-flavored substitute for chewing gum. If you haven’t ever tried it, give it a try.

    14. If you have an organic foodstore near you, try some organic foods. I never would have looked twice at edmame/tofu mixes but I decided to try one at a local health foods store. It was amazingly good. Today I would rather eat that than potato chips. I wish I had some right now, in fact.

    15. On the other hand, there are some good diet aids that are non-natural, non-organic but still worth looking into. If you love sweet drinks, try Crystal Light, for example. Tea would be better but not everyone can “get into” tea.

    16. Farmer’s markets vegetables will show you why you don’t like vegetables. Once you’ve eaten never-refrigerated straight-from-the-farm tomatoes you’ll realize that the little flavorless round red balls in the supermarket are not really tomatos. Farmer’s market veggies are a great way to fill up and learn to love veggies all over again.

    17. Almost any roasted vegetable can be made tasty with the right oils, herbs and spices.

    18. Spice has minimal calories, and so do herbs.

    19. Put enough cayenne pepper on anything and it will slow down your eating. It may even kick your metabolism up (albeit a very, very small amount).

    20. Coffee and tea without milk and sugar will taste just as good once you get used to them. Try a little less added stuff every day. Black coffee has 0 calories.

    21. Fried foods are always bad for a dieter. Always. Without exception.

    22. If you only eat foods that you have to cook or prepare, it slows your eating speed down. Buy blocks of cheese and cut your own slices for a sandwich and you will see what I mean.

    23. The exception is raw vegetables. They are very filling, have minimal calories and plenty of other benefits (fiber, vitamins, antioxidants). You can eat as many carrots as you feel like and probably only take in minimal calories.

    24. Water has volume. Drinking water fills you up, at least temporarily - but the nice thing is you can keep drinking it non-stop. You can always add a lemon wedge if you want.

    25. Alcohol has calories. Lots. I like alcohol, too, but it’s 100% unneeded calories.

    26. Some alcoholic beverages, on the other hand, are a lot worse than others. A margarita or a whiskey sour has lots of sugar, calories and carbs – almost any mixed drink is a killer. A glass of wine has some calories and carbs but there are some possible health benefits, as with a glass of beer. And one of my all-time favorites has some calories but no carbs: a dirty martini, shaken, straight up, dry with an olive and a twist. Maybe it doesn’t have so many health benefits as wine or beer, but it’s a nice way to flag the day as “over” and the evening as “beginning.” Plus, it’s hard to chug a martini.

    27. A salad bar is an invitation to disaster. 2000 calories of vegetables are still 2000 calories.

    28. Salad dressing has a lot of calories. Huge amounts, in fact. I love ranch dressing, but I stick with oil and vinegar – lots of vinegar and a little bit of oil. If you eat a salad drowned in dressing you’re probably better off just having some chips.

    29. You hear this often: multiple small meals make you feel much less hungry (eating 6 times a day instead of 3 times per day). I found this generally doesn’t work if you have a 9-to-5 type of job. What you can do fairly easily is eat a hearty breakfast, a raw food snack mid-morning (i.e. fruits or veggies), a largely raw food lunch (i.e. no heavy carbs or meat), a moderate-carb midafternoon snack (shortly before heading home have an energy bar) and then eat what you want for dinner but don’t eat too late. Trying to eat 6 equally-portioned type “meals” was very annoying. Snacking smart made better sense.

    30. Eating carbs within 3 hours of your bedtime is a bad idea - you generally tend to be at your least active late in the evening, and those carbs will not be burned off.

    31. Eating carbs for breakfast is a bad idea. You will be hungry again in an hour. Eggs, cottage cheese, or turkey is better. Fruits are OK, even though they have carbs.

    32. Eating carbs for lunch will make you drowsy in the afternoon, so it is a bad idea.

    33. Carbs are generally a bad idea. Other than natural bread once in a while, maybe rice and some pasta, there’s not a whole lot to say for carbs unless you’re training for the Tour de France. Even then, keep in mind Lance Armstrong gets his carbs from pasta, not from chocolate.

    34. Have you ever actually measured out a single serving of cereal? What constitutes a serving seems like it would not be enough to feed a baby, let alone an adult. However, that should give you something to think about how adults eat.

    35. Your eyes are almost always bigger than your stomach. Eat half of your dinner, wait 5 minutes – sip on some tea or seltzer or water or whatever – then start eating again. Half the time you won’t want half the food.

    36. If you eat your meals with overweight people, you will eat more. Period.

    37. If you eat your meals with healthy fit people, you may eat less… and save money.

    38. A broad generalization: almost any single-person entrée in the United States is probably about 50% larger than necessary for a normal human meal…at least.

    39. Restaurants don’t care if you eat everything that you are served. Their goal is to fill you up on free breadsticks, extra soda and alcoholic beverages before your entrée comes so you’ll go home happy…and fat. They won’t be there holding your hand when you get that coronary bypass.

    40. Unlearning the "eat because it’s tasty, not because you’re hungry" lesson is hard, but you can do it. Kids do not eat when they are not hungry unless you teach them to.

    41. American corporations want you to be fat. Advertising companies, drug companies, food companies and even the self-help/diet industry need fat people. Healthy people don’t buy weight-loss pills, or new belts, or books on weight loss, or Doritos. This is the worst nightmare of half the corporations in America: a healthy, educated consumer who doesn’t watch TV.

    42. Being fat is not a human’s natural state. If you are overweight and lose weight, you will feel happier. Not just because you are thinner and look better and feel better, but you were intended by nature to be a runner/tree climber/gatherer/builder.

    43. Keeping snacks in the house is just plain dumb. It is bad enough to walk by 50 vending machines at work, but don’t keep snacks lying around at home.

    44. Canned soups are a disaster - salt, calories, preservatives, and not satisfying. No one loses weight eating canned soups.

    45. Putting pictures of fat people from magazines and supermodels or athletes or whatever on your mirror will keep you motivated. Not that we should aspire to that body shape, but the simple fact is that it will keep you motivated.

    46. If you are hungry in the evening before bed eat a slice of cheese. You will sleep better and not wake up ravenous.

    47. The first thing you should take into your body when you wake is water. Not spring Water, not flavored Water, but filtered water. Cold, and a lot of it. It will kill your appetite right off and wake you up. It will cleanse your system for the day.

    48. Natural colon cleansers may not help you lose weight, but they will make you less hungry. This is purely my opinion, but I think sometimes people eat to mask the lingering toxic effects of having too much gunk in their intestines.

    49. I’m sure you know the feeling – after eating a big pile of salty potato chips you need something sweet “just to mask the salty taste in your mouth.” Down that road madness lies! Never chase food with food. Chase food with water, and lots of it.

    50. Drinking cold water burns more calories than drinking lukewarm water (it lowers your body’s temperature slightly, so your body expends energy to warm it back up).

    51. However, you should learn to enjoy lukewarm water. If you can only drink ice-cold water, you will be restricting your options too much.

    52. You will miss some foods worse than others. When I was doing a low-carb diet, I dreamed of bread. Don’t give in. Saying "just one piece" is the equivalent of a junkie saying, "Just one hit." Don’t do it.

    53. Butter and oil have a lot of calories but sometimes sneak into food, so keep an eye out.

    54. Dieting is lonely. Dieting around others who are not is torture. Tell your friends and family what you are doing, and do not let them push food on you.

    55. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant. Using a suppressant to diet is like using speed to quit crack. You have to conquer this thing on your own.

    56. Drinking green tea and herbal teas is good for you, and it keeps you feeling full.

    57. You may hate cauliflower. Fine. You will hate dragging your overweight body up the road when you are 60 if you do not eat veggies instead of bonbons more, though.

    58. Small, nibbly foods are a bad idea even when they are healthy. Do not keep anything you can grab by the handful and eat lying around the house - even nuts, fruits and veggies if you like them enough to overeat.

    59. Meat should be viewed as a flavoring, not as a food. Never eat a piece of meat at any one meal bigger than your palm.

    60. There is no particular reason for you to eat beef, pork, lamb, etc. You could get all of the protein you need from poultry and seafood. If you like the taste of red meat, fine, but there is no need for you to eat it.

    61. If you go on a low-carb diet, you will get sick of meat. This is not entirely a bad thing.

    62. Don’t be too sure that being a vegetarian or vegan is a good way to lose weight, either. You can eat nothing but cheese pizza and French fries and call yourself a vegetarian – it’s the quality of the food you eat that’s more important than the label you apply to yourself.

    63. A small handful of nuts (almonds, for example) will keep you going for hours. At the same time, three handfuls of nuts are about 2000 calories.

    64. Milk does not work into any diet plan be it low-fat, low-calorie, low-carb. Avoid it. Soymilk is better for you.

    65. Fruit juice is almost universally too concentrated, even organic/natural fruit juices. Cut it down with water. I usually drink about a 25% juice/75% water mixture now. Straight fruit juice tastes like syrup to me.

    66. It is very, very easy to drink a lot of calories, particularly since most people don’t really think about calories in regards to drinks (except for soda, which you hear about in the media). Which has more calories, 8 ounces of milk or 8 ounces of V8? Beats me. Water has no calories, though.

    67. There is no greater feeling than suddenly discovering you can wear that pair of pants that did not fit you a couple of months ago.

    68. Needing to go buy a new belt because your old one is too big is a close second.

    69. Measure portions. You should never eat more at one sitting than fits on a plate. By plate, I mean a plate, not Thor’s shield.

    70. Getting "checked out" is a real mood-booster, even if you are in a relationship.

    71. Jogging helps you maintain weight loss and fitness. Lifting weights helps you lose weight. However, walking is the best exercise because you can so easily do it any time of the day without any special equipment.

    72. Being happy burns more calories than being depressed.

    73. Stairs are free workout machines. Elevators and escalators are rides.

    74. Jogging is easier when you have good shoes.

    75. Never go to the supermarket on an empty stomach. You will end up buying more than you need and probably at least one thing you should not eat.

    76. Try not to watch too much TV. There are many ads for junk food and whether you pay attention or not there is a lot of unconscious programming going on there.

    77. Another good reason not to drink too much alcohol is that your judgment gets impaired. I am not talking about dancing on the table with a lampshade over your head - I am talking about standing next to the bar grabbing a handful of chex mix.

    78. You don’t wear out shoes as quickly if you weigh less.

    79. The first time you walk by a friend you have not seen in a while and they do not recognize you because you have lost so much weight is an amazingly positive experience.

    80. You can quit wearing black clothes all the time. Black is slimming, but being a healthy weight is slimming-er.

    81. There are some places on your body that will never lose their fat, and there is no point in expecting them too. In my case its my legs :-/ .

    82. People get angry if you tell them how you lost weight. This was an amazing thing to see in practice. Nobody wants to hear that you did it by watching your food intake and exercising. They want to hear that you wore a special belt or took a pill. Hearing they need to quit drinking Coke really fires some people up.

    83. Gaining weight is incredibly easy for most people, even with a very healthy diet. Once you have wrecked your metabolism by being overweight, it is even easier.

    84. If your knees, back, ankles, shoulders, neck or any other joints hurt and you are overweight, losing weight will very likely help them. My feet used to hurt a lot, and that pain abruptly disappeared when I lost weight.

    85. In the same way, gaining weight is - oddly - going to put more strain on your back and knees than being overweight but holding a steady weight.

    86. If someone takes a picture of you when you are at your peak weight, keep it. Treasure it. Frame it. Use it for motivation.

    87. Airplane seats, bus seats, even office chairs: for some reason the seat-building industry thinks all people are svelte and trim

    88. Remember that you have only one life to live. A helpful thing for me to remember sometimes is that your average person has around 29,000 days on this earth. I try to think whether I would trade 1 day for potato chips. Would I give up 1 week for a steak, one month for a lifetime of Coca Cola? It may not cost me that much, but I don’t think it’s worth the chance.

    89. If you are afraid that quitting smoking will make you eat more, you should be afraid. However, you should still quit. Using cigarettes as an appetite suppressant is like fumigating your house with poison to get rid of one mouse. Sure, it may work, but at what cost?

    90. Your skin tone will suffer from being overweight. If you are severely overweight, be prepared for wrinkles and sagging skin when you lose weight.

    91. Sex is better if you are fit… and you will probably get more of it, regardless of whether you are married or single.

    92. Diet pills are worthless. I tried one, green tea pills, and although it made me lose some additional weight it was mainly because they made me so dizzy and nauseous I didn’t feel like eating. I could accomplish the same thing by sniffing garbage.

    93. Television will make you hungry. You can’t imagine how many food-related advertisements there are on TV until you start trying to lose weight.

    94. Once you start to lose weight, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it ten years ago. However, once you’ve lost the weight you’ve meant to lose, you’ll forget that euphoric feeling and be tempted to eat a little bit of junk again. This is the hedonic treadmill in fine, fine form.

    95. Once I lost weight, I was afraid of getting fat again, but not so afraid that I didn’t start justifying eating things I wouldn’t have eaten when I was dieting.
    96. There is not one single thing at Starbucks that you can have on a diet, except black coffee.

    97. Appetizers are almost always the worst, heaviest, most caloric foods on the menu. Stick to entrees.

    98. The failure rate for dieters is high. Even successful dieters – like me – often gain the weight back.

    Monday, November 12, 2007

    Art Of Peter Callesen.made entirely out of paper and glue!

    A4 papercut

    White Hand, 2007

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Little Erected Ruin, 2007

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Little Erected Ruin (detail), 2007

    Half Way Through, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper, pencil, and glue

    Half Way Through (detail) , 2006

    On The Other Side, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    On The Other Side, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    On The Other Side (detail), 2006

    Walking Snail, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    The Short Distance Between Time and Shadow, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Cradle, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Cradle (detail), 2006

    Cradle (detail), 2006

    Do Not Enter, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Do Not Enter (detail), 2006

    18,2 cm Tall Tower of Babel, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Down the River, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Down the River (detail), 2005

    Wedding Dress Without Bride, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    All in All, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    All in All (detail),2006

    Angel, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Angel (detail), 2006

    Closet, 2006

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Closet (detail), 2006

    Dead Bird, 2006

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Big wave moving towards a small castle made of sand, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Distant Wish, 2006

    Acid-free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Distant Wish (detail), 2006

    Eismeer, 2006

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Eismeer (detail), 2006

    Hunting, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Hunting (detail), 2005

    In the Beginning (Snake inside an egg), 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    In the Shadow of an Orchid, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    In the Shadow of an Orchid (detail), 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Impenetrable Castle, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Impenetrable Castle (detail), 2005

    Looking back, 2006

    Acid free A4 115 gsm paper and glue

    Man Made of Woman, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Pandora's Box, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Snowballs, 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Snowballs (detail), 2005

    Acid free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Traces in Snow, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Traces in Snow (detail), 2005

    Single Double Bed, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Fall, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Fall (detail), 2005

    The Impossible Meeting, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    The Impossible Meeting (detail), 2005

    Bridge Over Troubled Water, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    Butterflies Trying to Escape Their Shadow, 2005

    Acid-free A4 80 gsm paper and glue

    About my paper works

    My paper works have lately been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost as a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance "Impenetrable Castle" inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflections.

    I find the A4 sheet of paper interesting to work with, because it probably still is the most common and consumed media and format for carrying information today, and in that sense it is something very loaded. This means that we rarely notice the actual materiality of the A4 paper. By removing all the information and starting from scratch using the blank white 80gsm A4 paper as a base for my creations, I feel that I have found a material which, on one hand, we all are able to relate to, and which on the other hand is non-loaded and neutral and therefore easier to fill with different meanings. The thin white paper also gives the paper sculptures a fragility which underlines the tragic and romantic theme of the works.