I spent the first 23(or so) years of my life dashing in and out of the bathroom in about 7 minutes flat, assuming it'll clean itself up after me.It didn't and I wasn't too happy about it.If you are like me, you probably don't feel very happy about your bathroom not being a self cleaning module either.Hopefully somewhere else in the world/future such technology is underway.Till it reaches within limits of our affordability, here's a how-to gleaned from my 26 years of experience with life and bathrooms in general
Toss List:
- Bottles with too little to save - With shampoo bottles, down to their last breath, I usually put some water in there, quickly swirl it around and use it, and the bottle goes to trash leaving us both (me and the shampoo bottle) happy.The bottle feels happy about being used up completely and my middle class sensibilities feel content about not even an ml of shampoo being wasted
- Samples for things you do not use : I used to let those tiny bottles of cheap shampoo stolen from hotels sit around for years even though it was and still is below my standards to use hotely stuff.
- Gifts with makeup purchased in colors you do not wear : My aunts don't get it, I don't want silver lipstick which makes me look like I have been bled to death.
- Expired medications: No brainer, actually don't store your meds in the bathroom in the first place, the humidity kills them
- mildewed crap, like fixtures, or some old toothbrush which is sitting ignored in a corner of the bathroom
- Old and worn toothbrushes ... You can use old toothbrushes to clean out your combs, but please don't let them sit around on the counter, they look most revolting
- Contain and label
- Hang an organizer on the back of the door and fill with bottles, curling iron etc etc.The organizers could be mini plastic racks or those cute fabric things with multiple pouches on them
- Use a cutlery tray in the drawer to organize your makeup.My mother is a doctor and I am guilty of stealing metal and plastic trays from her office on more than one occassion.For some reason doctors like to have a lot of them around, even if they are not using them.
- Make a few first aid kits by category - minor scrape, sprain, major cut, etc. This helps you avoid having to weed through a large box of stuff for a BandAid. I once had a nasty accident with the tungsten bulb on my bathroom mirror exploding as I'd accidentally splashed some water on it.. so yes you do need a First Aid kit in your bathroom
- Separate the medications by type (allergy, cold and flu, headache, etc.) and store them in small containers
- Keep a basket just for the samples you receive so you can put out for guests to use.I cannot make use of this tip since in my house the guests themselves end up bringing those things taken from hotels. :)
- Place barrettes on a decorative strand of ribbon.Men you won't know what barrettes are, and in all probability don't use them, skip this step
- Place scrunchies on a paper towel roll.I don't need this tip since I don't have hair long enough to put scrunchies in them.Ladies, its also a good idea to put your scrunchies on a bangle rack
- Designate what shelf will be for what in the medicine cabinet. Use under the shelf organizers for items like the toothpaste and razors
- Hang an organizer on the back of the door and fill with bottles, curling iron etc etc.The organizers could be mini plastic racks or those cute fabric things with multiple pouches on them
- Maintain the space:
- If you don’t use an item in a year, let it go
- Store only what you use in the bathroom - keep the excess in an overflow space. This goes for items like barrettes, too. If you have too many, place some in a zip lock bag and tuck them away for future use so you can shop at home when you need more
- Tidy up daily - a few minutes a day means no marathon cleaning sessions weekly.I learnt this the hard way
- Keep touch up cleaning supplies handy, like wipes for the sink
- Make a new family rule to keep the bathroom clean. For example, “In our family, if we finish it, we replace it." I partly credit my brother for introducing this rule!
- If you don’t use an item in a year, let it go
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