Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Calorie calculator

Well my gym instructor promised me that I'll knock off 10 kgs
on a 500 calorie- a-day diet within one month.I didn't have that much to lose in the first place, but I'd asked him nevertheless how I could knock off say 10 kgs in a month, just for fun.
I didn't bother telling him I was already on a 500 calorie diet.I knocked off only 4 kilos, 6 kilos off the mark, but pretty good nevertheless.The instructor was very pleased too, I asked him not to be "whoa you said it'll be 10 kilos!" (again for fun, you see I am that kinda gal)

But the point is that even a certified gym instructor is no fortune teller because.....

Calculating how many calories you need(to cut down?) per day to reach your desired weight in a given period of time is intricate math involving the parameters of your age, height, weight, body mass index, basal metabolism rate, current calorie consumption, required calorie consumption, gender, current level of activity, desired level of activity ....... whew wait a minute.

Make it simple! Let someone else do the dirty work (just this once) ==> HERE

Check out check out check out their snazzy how-many-calories-a-day-calculator

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