Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My favorite pair of jeans is the one that I didn't buy.

This (now well worn) pair of jeans landed up with me by sheer serendipity.It was a giveaway from a close friend of mine, she'd bought this pair of jeans for herself, but couldn't even get down to removing its tags beacuse soon after, she got married and got pregnant.So I was at her place one fine day and she casually asked me if I mind wearing something of hers.I was reluctant because the garment concerned was a pair of jeans.Something I couldn't get right size-wise even if I bought it myself.What were the chances?
But I drooled as soon as I saw the label.( I cannot resist words like 'Dominator' and other valorous connotations of the sort)Almost like it was cut for me, calling out to me me to wear it!I tried it on with my mouth gaping open at how beautifully it fit me, well-fitting at the waist, comfortably snug at the bottom and the thighs, flaring out gently knee-onwards (I only wear boot-cuts).It seemed to hug my body, which I've never seen happen with non-lycra blend fabrics before.

My friend told me that in the inner circle of the women's apparel industry of India, this Mumbai based brand of jeans is celebrated for its amazing fits and hardiness.Well now I know why.

It fits better than any other pair of jeans I've ever bought myself. Life's little miracles! (ah well I am just gushing)


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